Monday, April 27, 2009

Too big to care!

For all of you moms out there I know you remember the final days of pregnancy...they are hard. All you want to do is wear the most comfortable clothes you can find and you really don't care about how you look. Below is a pic of me when I was already a WEEK past my due date! Yes, I really did get that huge. And for the record I was pregnant for another week after this picture was taken! I have sworn that for my next pregnancy I am going to have a t-shirt made that says "too big to care" and I am going to wear it for the entire 9th-10th month. (yes, that is right, women are actually pregnant for 10 months!)

I am writing this post in honor of my dear friend Kristen. She is due mid June and no longer feels adorable, but I assure you she is! This past weekend I saw her and she was talking about how she just wants to wear comfy clothes. It became obvious to me that she did not care about what she was wearing when I saw she had on her husbands Texas A&M shorts. Most of you are thinking, big deal? But this is huge, Kristen is a UT grad so for her to wear A&M shorts means she really is desperate to be comfy! The proof is below.
Here is Kristen at her baby shower in Dallas. Come on people post a comment telling Kristen that she is adorable! If you are a mom you remember how uncute you felt at the end so give her some virtual love!


Lauren said...

What a cute and sweet post! Kristen could never look uncute! So funny she had A&M shorts on :) Kristen you look so beautiful as always!!! Wish I could of seen your cuteness last week! Sarah you looked so pretty too all preggers! I was so scary looking towards the would of thought I was carrying multiples!

Alison said...

I feel her pain. I've been wearing my hubby's mesh shorts and a t-shirt while I'm at home. What's the use in dressing up??!!

And the sign...I'm about ready to hang one around my neck that says the following:
"-Yes, I know I'm quite large.
-Yes, I know the baby should be here by now.
-Yes, I'm feeling ok but yes, I'm uncomfortable.
-No I'm not sleeping.
-No, you can't touch my belly." This sign will be worn at places like church. Then I'll have another sign when I go to places like Walmart that says, "-I am due on April 26th (or in this case, was due on...).
-Yes I know I'm big.
-No you can't touch my belly. I don't even know you!!!
-Please stop staring at me! You're being quite impolite at this moment.

Ginny V said...

Oh, my sweet sweet Kristen! You are adorable!!!! You look so cute, even in Sam's shorts :)

Sarah, you looked awesome in that picture too. Why were you so dressed up???

See you girls soon!!!


jwillie76 said...

Kristen is as cute as a button. In fact, if she were a button, I'd proudly wear her on my lapel.

Kristen McGee said...

WOW!!!!! I feel so loved! Thanks, Sarah for the shout out and for the virtual love! You really do know how to make a pregnant woman feel awesome!!!! Thanks to all for your sweet comments. Alison,I love the sign...can I borrow it in a few weeks!!!!???? You know the scary thing is that there is more to the outfit...I was even in Sam's mustang car show t -shirt. YIKES! It was a rough day that even included a run to Babies-R-Us in that oh-so-fabulous outfit! I was stylin! And by the way Sarah, You were one HOT MOMMA in that black sexy dress a week over your due date! Go you.
Love to all, Kristen

Unknown said...

Oh puuuuhlease--KRISTEN IS A HOT are all of ya!! And I cannot believe Kristen put on A&M shorts--how did they not burst into flames when they realized they were on a UT grad's body??? ;)

Jenny said...

Kristen, I don't know you, but girl you're looking fabulous! I remember wearing my husbands shorts all the time too. My husband is 6'4" and one of his friends said that I looked like Bozo the clown in his shorts. But, I didn't give a rip what he thought at that point. In fact, I still don't give a rip and every once in a while, I still wear his shorts.....just for pure comfort sake! So, rock on with the deserve it!

Tina said...

She IS adorable!!! I could only dream of looking THAT cute preggo!